Richmond Chi Alpha
RVAXA is a community of students from universities and colleges in Richmond seeking God together. We want to be defined by this simple statement:
Love God. Love People. Pass it on.
We come from lots of different backgrounds, but the common desire is to love, know, and serve Jesus Christ. Wherever you may be on your spiritual journey — skeptical, questioning, new believer, or long-time follower of Christ — you are welcome here.
New to campus? Welcome! We’d love to get to know you. Fill out the form below and we’ll connect with you soon.
Join us weekly at WNL for a time to connect with each other, worship through songs, and a message from the Bible.
Wednesdays, 7pm at 822 W Franklin St
Wednesday Night Live
Small Groups
Small Groups are the heart and soul of Chi Alpha. They are groups of men or women who meet regularly to do life together and study the Bible. Click the button below to sign up for one.

We’ve got some exciting events planned throughout the semester as a way to connect with each other and have fun. Click on the link above to see a detailed list! To stay updated, head over to our Instagram.